24 April 2014

Converting Lead without creating Opportunity with a Button Click

Converting Lead without creating Opportunity with a Button Click.

Marketing executives create the Leads and they convert the Potential Leads through standard Lead Convertbutton on the Lead record.
Lead Conversion will convert Lead to Account, contact and Opportunity.
In many of the organization the Marketing executives want to Convert Leads to Account and Contact but they don’t want to create the potential Opportunity on the Lead conversion.

To achieve this there is Standard Checkbox on the record called Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion.  It's unchecked by default.

If you select this checkbox then Lead will get convert into Account and Contact but Opportunity will not get created.

We can make it a Button Click rather to select the checkbox manually every time.

Button: Convert Lead without Opportunity

1. Go to Setup -> Customize -> Lead ->Buttons, Links and          Actions
2. Create a new Button called “Convert Lead without                  Opportunity”
3. Behaviour: Display in existing window without sidebar or        header
4. URL :    /lead/leadconvert.jsp?retURL=%2F{!Lead.Id}&id=                  {!Lead.Id}&nooppti=1

5. Put the button on Lead Page layout.

Button Snapshot:

Lead Pagelayout with Button Snapshot:

Now Try to click on "Convert Lead without opp" button you will find the checkbox Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion selected by default.

Try this and let me know your feedback...

23 April 2014

Workflow Rule: Field Update Limitation Trick

Workflow Rule: Field Update Limitation Trick

We use workflow rules which gets executed based on the Entry Criteria and Condition met.

We can send an Email Alert, Assign Task, Update the field and Send Outbound message.

There is one Limitation with the Workflow Field Update.

Field Update Limitation:

The results of a field update can not trigger additional workflow rules which are dependant on that updated field.

Trick to overcome the Limitation:

When creating the Workflow Field Update Action, check the checkbox  “Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change”.

Selecting the "Re-evaluate Workflow Rules After Field Change checkbox" on the Field Update Edit page allows you to set a workflow field update to re-evaluate all workflow rules on the object if the field update results in a change to the value of the field.

This will overcome the limitation of Field update.  

Try this and let me know your feedbacks.

21 April 2014

Freeze User Account

Freezing the User Account.

Deactivation of user is regular task for Salesforce Administrator. Whenever a user leaves the organization, to deactivate the user we need to transfer his/her all open records to another user / new hire. 
Sometimes the new hire in the position of deactivated users takes time to on board so in this case what we should do with the open records of the User that left???

Freeze User Account:

Salesforce has introduced the new feature "Freeze" user account.

This will prevent the user from logging into the Salesforce till the time you transfer his/her records and Deactivate him completely. 

1.  Setup->Manage User
2.  Click the name of User
3.  Click "Freeze" button.

19 April 2014

User Login History Report

User Login Report: Count of User Logins.

Its necessary for a Salesforce System Administrator to report on Count of User logins in to the system.
It gives an idea of Salesforce Usage and Adoption.
In many organization, the Salesforce License Review is done based on the Count of User Login.


A simple Matrix Report.


1. Go to Report
2. Click on "New Report"
3. Select Report type "User"
4. Report Format: "Matrix Report"
5. Drag the field "Full name" and "Login Date"
6. See the screenshot below.
7. You can group the "Login Date" by "Group by Date" as per fiscal year or calender year.

 8. Run the report
 9. Click on "Hide Details".
 10. See the final Report as per below screenshot

16 April 2014

Account Merge with a button click

Salesforce Tips and Tricks:
One click Account Merge without any coding:

In most of the organization removing duplicates is the big task. Mostly in case of accounts, the admins get involved in the cumbersome process of Merging the Accounts.
To merge accounts they follow 4 step Process:
  1.       .  Go to Account
  2.          Go to Merge Accounts 
  3.           Put the common name of Accounts to merge
  4.          Finally merge the account.

But this Process can be made very simple and a Button Click and without navigating from the account with the steps below:

1.       Go to Setup -> Account-> Buttons, Links and Actions
2.       Create new Button named “Merge”
3.       Put Content Source : URL
4.       Put URL as:     /merge/accmergewizard.jsp?srch={!Account.Name}
5.       Save.
6.       Go to Account Page layout and add the “Merge” button on Page layout.

Snapshot: Button Properties

 Snapshot: Account Page layout with "Merge" Button

When you will click on Merge Button on the account it will search for the same account names in the salesforce and will display the names of accounts to merge automatically without putting name of account as below snapshot shows:

Try this and let me know your feedbacks!!

2 April 2014

Salesforce: How to Convert 15 digit Id to 18 Digit Id

How to Convert 15 digit Id to 18 Digit Id

It's common scenario where we need to convert 15 Digit Case Sensitive Salesforce Record Id to 18 Digit Case insensitive Id. 
It's necessary to have 18 digit Case insensitive Id when it comes to VLOOKUP in Excel sheet for various purposes.

It's possible to convert 15 digit Id to 18 digit Id without any Code.


1. Go to Object-> fields
2.Create a new field of field type "Formula".
3.Put formula:  CASESAFEID( Id )

4. Go to the Page layout and put this field on the page layout.

Try this Trick and let me know your feedback...

Salesforce: How to Create a field to display amount in native Currency

Salesforce: How to Create a field to display amount in native Currency

This is a very common scenario to convert the Opportunity amount or Revenue into the user's native currency.

Every organization has it's Basic currency called "Corporate Currency" and in a global organization there is a user base which belongs to different regions and countries which has different Currency that the Corporate Currency.

In this case you can create a New field and choose the "Field Type"  as "Currency"

Currency field type is the Key Trick here.

Hope it will be useful. Don't forget to comment.

1 April 2014

Salesforce: Chatter Sync (Pilot) Functionality

Salesforce Chatter Sync Functionality (Pilot)

Now you can sync your chatter and desktop. Chatter Sync is in pilot mode in spring'14 release. You can request Salesforce support to enable this option for you organization.

Salesforce Order Management

Salesforce Order Management:

In the Spring'14 release Salesforce comes with much awaited functionality "Order Management"
Currently Order management is available on Account and  Contarcts.