24 April 2014

Converting Lead without creating Opportunity with a Button Click

Converting Lead without creating Opportunity with a Button Click.

Marketing executives create the Leads and they convert the Potential Leads through standard Lead Convertbutton on the Lead record.
Lead Conversion will convert Lead to Account, contact and Opportunity.
In many of the organization the Marketing executives want to Convert Leads to Account and Contact but they don’t want to create the potential Opportunity on the Lead conversion.

To achieve this there is Standard Checkbox on the record called Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion.  It's unchecked by default.

If you select this checkbox then Lead will get convert into Account and Contact but Opportunity will not get created.

We can make it a Button Click rather to select the checkbox manually every time.

Button: Convert Lead without Opportunity

1. Go to Setup -> Customize -> Lead ->Buttons, Links and          Actions
2. Create a new Button called “Convert Lead without                  Opportunity”
3. Behaviour: Display in existing window without sidebar or        header
4. URL :    /lead/leadconvert.jsp?retURL=%2F{!Lead.Id}&id=                  {!Lead.Id}&nooppti=1

5. Put the button on Lead Page layout.

Button Snapshot:

Lead Pagelayout with Button Snapshot:

Now Try to click on "Convert Lead without opp" button you will find the checkbox Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion selected by default.

Try this and let me know your feedback...

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