16 April 2014

Account Merge with a button click

Salesforce Tips and Tricks:
One click Account Merge without any coding:

In most of the organization removing duplicates is the big task. Mostly in case of accounts, the admins get involved in the cumbersome process of Merging the Accounts.
To merge accounts they follow 4 step Process:
  1.       .  Go to Account
  2.          Go to Merge Accounts 
  3.           Put the common name of Accounts to merge
  4.          Finally merge the account.

But this Process can be made very simple and a Button Click and without navigating from the account with the steps below:

1.       Go to Setup -> Account-> Buttons, Links and Actions
2.       Create new Button named “Merge”
3.       Put Content Source : URL
4.       Put URL as:     /merge/accmergewizard.jsp?srch={!Account.Name}
5.       Save.
6.       Go to Account Page layout and add the “Merge” button on Page layout.

Snapshot: Button Properties

 Snapshot: Account Page layout with "Merge" Button

When you will click on Merge Button on the account it will search for the same account names in the salesforce and will display the names of accounts to merge automatically without putting name of account as below snapshot shows:

Try this and let me know your feedbacks!!


  1. This is freaking brilliant. Never thought of doing this but it makes it so much easier and faster to merge accounts. Thanks for the great idea!

  2. I really love this button!
    But a have an additional request. When you "push the button" is gives you a list of matching accounts and shows the fields Account, Site, Owner.
    How can I change the list view? I would like to ad "shipping city" and some custome fields we use.

    1. Unfortunately we don't have control to customize the Columns (fields) appearing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
